Product Detail


12-041-01-S Lawn & Garden Equipment Engine Carburetor Gasket Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Part

SKU DP.02740 12-041-01-S Category Tags ,



This part is compatible with models including; SV590-0212,SV620-0210,SV590-0013,CV16S-43520,CV15S-PS41588,CV490-27532,CV15S-PS41508,501CV14S-1443,CV492S-PS-27531,501CV15S-PS41508,CV15.5S-41596,752KSV5420,SV590-0002,CV15S-41572,SV600-0020,752KSV5900220,501CV15S-41525,501CV15S-41526,SV600-0025,CV492-27506,SV590-0004,SV600-0225,SV600-0018,CH13T-22521,CV14S-1445,CV460-26509,13AX11CG756,CV14S-1443,SV591-3217,17AE9BKR056,SV530-0005,752KSV6000225,CV15S-PS41567,CV15S-41566,CV15S-41565,CV15S-PS41526
This is a manufacturer substitution. Part may differ in appearance but is a functional equivalent to prior parts including; KH-12-041-01,12-041-01,1204101
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part. Compatible Brands:
This carburetor gasket (part number 12-041-01-S) is for lawn and garden equipment engines
Let the engine cool and drain the gas tank before installing this part
Product Description
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts! This carburetor gasket (part number 12-041-01-S) is for lawn and garden equipment engines. Carburetor gasket 12-041-01-S creates an airtight seal between the carburetor or the heat shield and the engine block. Let the engine cool and drain the gas tank before installing this part. Work in a well-ventilated area and wear work gloves to protect your hands. For Kohler.

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